
Oct 30, 2011



loose;not firmly stretched .
Leave the rope slack.

Oct 29, 2011


Succumb: to yield
She succumbed to temptation and ate chocolate .


Misfit: a person who is not able to live or work happily with others.


 a narrow strip of leather, cloth, or other material.

Oct 28, 2011


belonging to, the Middle Ages.
During the medieval period people didn't just dress and act differently they thought differently too.


 wonder and fear.
T he child looked in awe at the king.



 The part of the body between the breast and thigh, containing the bowels.
The horse’s belly.
I have a pain in my belly.

Oct 27, 2011


The sound made by a hen or goose.


 undesirable or troublesome pests such as fleas, rats, or mice
Farmers are always having trouble with various types of vermin.
It is vermin such as these men that are trying to destroy society.

Oct 26, 2011


 a person who shows fear easily or is easily frightened.
I am such a coward, I hate going to the dentist.



 (strode) a long step.
He walked with long strides.

Oct 25, 2011



 (American casket) a box for a dead body to be buried or cremated in.
The coffin was placed in the grave.



 a long, loose, sleeveless outer  garment hanging from the shoulders and fastening  at the neck : a waterproof cycling cape.


Sparkle : an affect like that made by little sparks.

There was a sudden sparkle as her diamond ring caught the light.

Oct 24, 2011


Clad Clothed : clad in silk; leather clad motor cyclists.

Oct 23, 2011



The tube in the lower part of the body

Through which food passes.

Oct 22, 2011



something that draws together and holds tightly .
The polio patient needed a brace straighten his leg.


He will pound the nail with a hammer.

Oct 21, 2011


 A dull sound like that of something heavy falling to the ground
He dropped the book with a thud .  



 a broad piece of metal, wood, carried as a protection against weapons.
We wear head guards and gum shields for safety.

Oct 20, 2011


 an identical musical note, or series of notes, produced by several voices singing, or instruments playing, together.
They sang in unison.

Oct 19, 2011


to take a firm hold of.
I gripped the stick.
The speaker gripped the attention of her audience.

Oct 17, 2011



the surfer ride the high waves, with smoothly movement, trying to
 modify his body through the waves .


I saw a competition between surfers in the sea, and who win had more ability to drive highest waves, with more confidence.


The attacker snatch the bag from the lady, and slashed her in an abdomen, when she forced him, The police found the body for the victim, but the thief run away.

there are more victims in this world, and until now the justice not taken in a right path.


I have a good memories about my childhood in the shore, and how I spent a great time walking through the water.

While it is flooded all helicopters flying around the cities to search about the people before getting drown


I hurt myself badly, I need paramedics to drove me to the hosiptal, for cure my cut.


I have to go to the hospital to give my daughter injection for influenza.


A carpenter doing a good work wih this boards, it is can surfing in the high waves without any trouble at all.

Reflection week 4

hi all, in this week 4 it is very amazing how we can use the new words in different condition, I found a inspiration video realted to all this new words, it let me to think more deeply in my life in my goals, the waves takes me far away, some people afraid from the high waves, others can approach it easily, and retrieve the benefit of our life


Dialogue week 4

Dialogue week 4
voice1: How are you spent, your leisure time?
voice2: I spent it in surfing in the lovely waves using my board, this sport feels me very comfortable.
voice2: and, what is about you?
voice1: yes, I spent my time volunteer with paramedics.
voice2: what is interesting, how are you can do that?
voice1: We try to help the injured and victim people who injured from  attacker, until we can reach a hospital, sometimes it needs us to take severe injured by helicopter.
voice2: it is pleasure to me to know you.
voice1: me too

Oct 13, 2011


Warrior : a soldier or skilled fighting man.
The chief of tribe called his warriors together .


HOWL : such a cry : howl of pain : howls of laughter.

the dog was howling all the night, I couldn't sleep, maybe there something make him pain.

Oct 9, 2011

short conversations

conversation 1

voice 1: I was very enthusiastic last night but all things happen against my predict.
voice 2: what happen?
voice1 : I was to go to wedding party, after I dress in chic way , while I am in the car a collision happen suddenly and that was improbable thing because I all the time drive my car painstakingly.
voice 2: I sorry to hear that I hope there is no one injure.
voice1: yes, no one injure but my car damage , now i need to go to the dealer to purchase other one.

conversation 2

voice 1: I feel bored, what I can do all this chore tired me.
voice 2: I have a good idea to you, why are you not thinking to go to a hairdresser .
voice 1: mmm , ok but she is good or so so .
voice2 : are you kidding with me, she is wonderful, she take this legacy from her mom
voice1: ok, why are you still staying, lets go now.

conversation 3

voice 1: what are you doing ?
voice 2: I am veterinary.
voice1: why are you select this work exactly no any else .
voice2: I like to work with animals, and try to help them genetically, and painstakingly increase the bred it wonderful work if you give it your heart.
voice1: oh, that great, but it need handler also or not.
voice2: some kind of animals need a handler, like a horse .
voice1: thank for good information.
voice2: you welcome.


voice1: please be more supple, and do not complicate the things.
voice2 : oh, my god , what I am doing now to you to deserve this .
voice1: our neighbor came to you to say just hello, but you are not approachable, and you turn your back like you not see him came to you .
voice1: believe me I even not notice that , I was looking to our fence, because there a dog jump over it, and I do not want the dog bite you my darling .
voice1: oh, get out from here , you just not flexible.


voice1: dad please, when the fish start to spawning alert me .
voice2: why that?
voice 1: I want to be rich, and sell the spawn to shops, I heard that the caviar is expensive.
voice2: oh, my son the things not going like that.
voice1:then, how is it going ?
voice2: just , I do not know .
voice1: for that my dad, you are not rich untill now.


voice1: why are you laughing?
voice2:you are not know , what happened before a little bit.
voice1: what ?
voice2:the rooster chased me, I thought it want to bite me, but i fall down, and the rooster targeted himself in my lap.
voice1 :ha ha , this funny , you know why the rooster did that.
voice1: you are not looking to your self , what you wear , all this fur in your clothes, the rooster think you are his mom, ha ha
voice2: my fur is chic and stylish, you are just jealous.

conversation 7

voice1: stop predicting things to me .
voice 2: why are you screaming at me?
voice1: because any time you predict , something badly happen to me.
voice 2:ok, give me one example.
voice1: before one month, you said to me I will go abroad,and I was enthusiastic to that, but I start coughing and my asthma getting worse untill I went abroad not for entertainment but for treatment, stop predicting or ....
voice 2: or, what?
voice1: or I will punch you in your face.

Week 3 conversation
Hagar: hi Rasha, what’s up?
Rasha: hi Hagar, I thinking this days to do my own project.
Haga: that sound interesting tells me more about it.
Rasha: I want to make a new rooster farm, first, I selected
painstakingly a good place, to be sure no any bad predicting will
 happen in a healthy environment, second, things I want all
 roosters spawning and bred, after the feather grows, I will sell it
 to a fish shops and hair dresser shops.
Hagar: I feel this enthusiastic, but tell me, how the hair dresser
 use this feather.
Rasha: the feather is very supple for that the hair dresser easily
 can bond or clipper into hair and become the client more stylish
 and chic.
Hagar: oh, that good way to deal with feather, but are there any
improbable collision to be some of roosters genetically have some
Rasha: yes, I put this thought also in my mind, for that I will sell
only healthy one, thank Hagar for your time, I will invite you soon to my farm.
Hagar: thank Rasha I will wait to your invitation.

week 3

I am enthusiastic by the idea of learn English in this course, it help me a lot with a wonderful way  to improve my English .

Although death at her age was improbable, she had already made her will.

Our teenager neighbor determined to drive his dad car before get the license, in spite of my advice to him to stop thinking about that, because maybe he get into collision in a street, and he will hurt himself and the others . 

The bride was very chic in her white dress, and green strips, all attended fan in her dress, and became like a dream to any girl.

hair dresser
The hair dresser burn part of my hair, she is really ignorant about doing her job correctly, I will warn all my friends to not go to this hair dresser.

The pond is full of frog spawn, after all tadpoles grow into frogs, it will be noisy place, and there is no way to take a rest here.

I hate the tournament conduct by the people who try to bet, and let the rooster fight each other until one of them kill the other, I think it is cruel way to treat the animals .

 You must make more exercises to keep your body supple, and can do difficulty movements easily.

I don't believe  in the persons, who says they can predicting the future, and read unseen, because I think no one can know the future except our god.

Oct 3, 2011

dialouge week 2

Conversation week 2

Hagar: hello Rasha , why are you appear more sadness today .
Rasha : My grandmother died last night for that my heart broken when she pass away .
Hagar : I sad to hear that, but tell me, she died suddenly without any alert or she was ill .
Rasha : yes, that happen suddenly, I will not forget her forever, and how she was put me in her lap to recite some story, and how she advised me to take care about my chore to become a complete woman .
Hagar : she was a great woman .
Rasha : yes, she was a great, also I want to donate all the legacy left from my grandmother to a poor people, maybe that good deeds will retrieve to her in the grave.
Hagar : I think the good deeds will approachable her .
Rasha : I think that also, thank you hagar .

reflection week 2

This week 2 was different to me, because it seems like understood  all words and the meaning for it, but when try to attend the exam , here the confuse start , because the words not learned deeply, and this is the point , but after week 2 finished it seems more easly to catch the proper word to proper sentence, also it help to create dialouge easly, that wonderful thing, and how the difference between just learn and learn deeply .

Oct 1, 2011

week # 2

week 2

Day  1:


my hat blew away, but i managed to retrieve it.


Emotional problems are broken his heart .

day 2: lap

the meaning here for lap the top part in your leg , you can say the grand mother sit the child in her lap .
all the time our children sit in our lap .

day 3: legacy

something left in a will by someone who has died
He was left a legacy by his great - aunt

day 4 : handlers

a person who trains and controls an animal
A handler dog treat with police to train the dog to sniff the place for the drug.

day 5 : alert

quick-thinking, aware : she is very old but still very alert .

day 6 : chore

a piece of house work or other hard or dull job .
I have to do all my chore after waking up .

day 7 : approachable

In that atmosphere, powerful people are approachable and seem much more human than when they are at the helm of their organisation.

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